Dance. Bike. Play!

Open Streets 2017
was awesome!


Stay tuned for the

Open Streets 2018 schedule

and participation opportunities


Open Streets Minneapolis brings together community groups and local businesses to temporarily close major thoroughfares to car traffic, and open them up for people walking, biking, skating, and playing. This community event is co-sponsored by the City of Minneapolis.

More than a street festival, Open Streets Minneapolis gives residents an opportunity to explore their neighborhood and local businesses in a safe, fun, and family-friendly way. It encourages the use of active transportation and healthy living, and has a goal of giving residents an opportunity to rethink our streets as public space.

Open Streets Minneapolis events take place all quadrants of Minneapolis, and in Downtown. Open Streets Minneapolis is an initiative of Our Streets Minneapolis (formerly the Minneapolis Bicycle Coalition), presented by the Center for Prevention at Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota (Blue Cross), and co-sponsored by the City of Minneapolis.

Open Streets Minneapolis is the perfect chance to promote healthy living, local businesses, sustainable transportation and civic pride in Minneapolis. On multiple days throughout the year, we create miles of safe, car-free streets so that residents of all ages can walk, bike, shop, participate in spontaneous play activities, and get to know one another.

We hope you joined in 2017 on a street in your own neighborhood, and enjoyed it from a different perspective, wandered and had some fun!

And of course, it was free!


Kite.pngWalk Bike Minneapolis!

With 1,800 miles of sidewalks, Minneapolis is a great place to go for a walk.  118 miles of on-street bikeways and 92 miles of off-street bikeways (as of 2014) make it a great place to go for a family bike ride too. OPEN STREETS MPLS events create even more miles of safe, car-free streets so that residents of all ages can walk, bike, participate in spontaneous play activities, and get to know one another. It's free fun for the whole family. We are excited to have been invited to hold even more new events, and look forward to working with local residents, community groups, neighborhood groups, and businesses to make sure the events are a huge success!


Nrog rau 1,800 miles chaw taug kev, Minneapolis yog ib qhov chaw uas zoo mus taug kev. 118 miles uas cias caij lub thij thiab 92 miles uas tsim caij lub thij xwb. (txij li 2014) tsim kom zoo rau ib tsev neeg mus caij lub thij ua ke. KEV QHIB MPLS kuj tsim tau ntau miles kom zoo, tsis muaj-tsheb kom pem xeem tau zoo mus taug kev, caij lub thij, thiab xav dhia ua si lo tau, thiab sib tham kom ib leeg paub ib leeg. Yam no yog ib yam kev lom zem dawb koj tsev neeg ua uake.


Iyadoo lagu lugayn karo in kabadan 1,800 maayal, Minneapolis ayaa ah meesha ugu wanaagsan ee lug baxsi loo aadi karo. 118 maayals oo wado baaskiil loo raaci karo iyo 92 maayal oo wado baaskiil iyo gawaarida ay is agmari karaan (marka laga bilaabo 2014) iyada oo ka dhigaysa Minneapolis meesha ugu fiican ee qoysaska ay baaskiilkooda u qaadan karaan ama ay u raaci karaan. Dhacdooyinka barnaamijka WADADA FURAN ee MINNEAPOLIS ayaa waxa ay xoojinaysaa in wadooyinka baaskiilka la badiyo si inta maayal ee baaskiilka dadyoowga kala dowan u raacaan loo kurdhiyo ama ay u lugaynayaan ayaga oo ka qeyb qaadanaya howlaha cayaaraha iyo isbarasho dadka kale aad ku barankartid. Tan ayaa ah mid lacag la’aan iyo madadaalo waxtar u leh dhamaan qoyska. 


Al contar con 1,800 millas de banquetas, Minneapolis es un gran lugar para salir a caminar. Hay 118 millas de carriles para bicicletas en las calles y 92 millas de ciclovías fuera de la vía pública (hasta el 2014), lo cual hace que sea un gran lugar para ir a dar un paseo en bicicleta en familia también. Los eventos OPEN STREETS MPLS crean aún más millas de calles seguras y libres de automóviles para que los residentes de todas las edades puedan caminar, andar en bicicleta, participar en actividades de juego espontáneas, y lleguen a conocerse unos a otros. Es gratis y divertido para toda la familia.

Open Streets Mpls is All About


Healthy Living



Local Business



Sustainable Transportation



Civic Pride


Open Streets Minneapolis is an initiative of Our Streets Minneapolis. Our Streets works for a city where biking, walking, and rolling are easy and comfortable for everyone.