Final Step:

Secure your spot on the street!

Your spot-sponsorship helps support Open Streets. Benefits include:

  • Increased exposure for your business or non-profit with street space
  • Be able to sell food or merchandise on the street
  • Have amplified sound on the street
Northeast: 13th from 2nd to 5th / 5th from 13th to 22nd /
22nd from 5th to Central / Central from Lowry to 18 1/2th
[Click on map for larger image.]
August 07, 2016 at 11:00am - 5pm

Get a $50 discount for providing on-street programming. Please contact Alex for more information.

Or get reimbursed $50 when you have 5 or more volunteers to support the event at large confirmed at least 2 weeks before event day. Please contact Beth for more information.

Looking for more? Become a Block, Event or Neighborhood Sponsor and be listed in day-of event guide, event map, and get a social media highlight as well.



Artist or Performer? No payment required. Our Event Coordinator will be in touch with you shortly.

Non-Profit or Business Sponsors:
Indicate your sponsor level by setting your choice to "1". Then, click "Submit" below.



Small Business Along Route


Small Business in Neighborhood


Small Business from outside of Neighborhood


If you have questions on payment or prefer to pay later, contact Alex.

All spots are subject to final approval by the Minneapolis Bicycle Coalition.